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11 Social Web Facts That Are Mind Boggling

We all know that social media and the internet is exploding.  But just exactly how much can be something that's a bit difficult to wrap your head around. The folks over at Pingdom compiled some incredible statistics about the Internet's growth.

Here's are 11 facts that are...well...mind boggling...

1. In 2010, 107 trillion emails were sent on the Internet. (Source)

2. At the current rate 36 billion photos will be uploaded to Facebook each year. (Source)

3. Each day 2 billion videos are watched on YouTube. (Source)

4. Each month 30 billion pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook. (Source)

5. In 2010, users sent 25 billion tweets. (Source)

6. Worldwide there are 1.97 billion Internet users. (Source)

7. At the end of 2010, there were 88.8 million – .COM domain names registered. (Source)

8. As of December 2010, there were 255 million websites. (Source)

9. Worldwide, there are 2.9 billion email accounts. (Source)

10. The average Internet user watched 186 online videos per month (USA). (Source)

11. Every minute 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. (Source)

Has your jaw hit the ground yet?  Which of these is the biggest surprise to you?