Bolder&Louder - Transformational Branding, Digital Marketing

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Press on ...

Earlier this week I was on a coaching call with one of my Platinum members, and she was having a vent session. You know, one of those horrible "this is all just too hard I think I should just give up, I'm not really cut out to do this"..kind of vent session.

I've certainly had them and I bet you have too.

When I was a kid, my Mom used to call these outbursts "haircuts". All we'd have to say to her is "Mom - I need to have a haircut - can you listen for a sec?". And we'd let it all hang out, moan, whine and complain...and within 5 minutes, usually felt a lot better.

Vent sessions are important. No - they're critical for your success.

Being a solopreneur can be lonely and terribly isolating...there you are banging away at your key board, with just your dog at your feet...and an empty coffee mug on your desk. Its essential you have an outlet - someone you can trust your innermost fears to, who's not going to freak out (like your husband who just saw the credit card bill and is wondering if this "marketing stuff really works!")

That's the power of having a good coach.

Someone who can help you walk through your fears, realign your path, and keep you moving exactly where you need to go.

I heard someone once say that you can never put a price on having someone in your life who believes in you more than you believe in yourself...

I saw the power of this when I was 15 years old in high school. My Mom's best friend also happened to be the vice principal of my high school and the head of the math department...

Now math has NEVER been my strong suit. But when I was 15, the vice principal took my Mom aside one day and told her that I didn't have a hope of passing my math exam that year. And of course, my now very worried Mom, told me...

Thing is...she was probably right.

Except that that wasn't what I wanted to hear..and I'm a Capricorn (goat), if you want me to do something...just tell me it can't be done and I'll find a path to get there!

That year I got a math coach and met with her religiously twice a week. For me that was akin to having to get a root canal on a regular basis

...algebra, statistics, fractions YECH!!!

There were times I'd show up to those coaching sessions in floods of tears because I just didn't "get" it. My coach would quietly listen, and when I'd finished throwing my pity party and having a vent session, she'd say to me quietly " where were we.."

That year I passed my math exam with 76% - a personal triumph of epidemic proportions! But if my coach hadn't believed in me...or had told me that it was unlikely I'd pass and I should just "stick to art"...I would never, ever had known what I was capable of.

What about you?

What problem are you grappling with at the moment that makes you just want to scream? Is it bad enough to make you question whether you should throw in the towel and just go get a desk job working for someone else?

Never, NEVER, Never Give Up!!!

You were given your dreams for a purpose. The fact that your goal is to make $100K, $200K, $500K, or to work less without sacrificing income so you can spend more time with your family...I believe these are your God given desires.

You've got them for a reason. Its your job to grace the world with your own form of beauty - no one else offers what you do, in the way that you do.

This week's ezine is all about the power of perseverance.

I want to give you a giant helping of inspiration to help you push through whatever you might be struggling with right now. (Keep this ezine in a safe place so you can reread it when you need to!)

Winston Churchill famously once said "never,never, never give up."

There's another saying I love - an old Japanese proverb that says "fall done 7 times get up 8."

But by far, one of my favorite quotes of all time is the one Erin Brokovich carried around in her pocket in a letter her Dad wrote.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

To your massive abundance and success!