4 Easy Marketing Tips To Rev Up Your Sales Copy

Copywriting Tips From The Couch - By Bear the Rottie - Chief Co-Squirrel Hunter and Head Copywriter at The Client Stampede. Well, Tucker and I just got outta doggie jail. There was a pesky Jack Russell who wouldn't stop yapping in the room next to us. And there was a big white fluffy foo-foo dog who was all upset because she didn't have her special heated blankie. Oh well, I’m home now and am catching up on some zzzz's on my favorite couch, which of course is the source of all my copywriting inspiration for you. This week, 4 easy marketing tips on how to rev up your sales copy.

  • Use a killer headline. Make it short. Make it interesting. Make it all about the person you’re writing to.
  • Lighten up, Larry! Make your sales copy fun to read. Who says marketing has to be boring? If it is, it’s dead in the water. Have a little fun, be quirky. Like a Rottweiler who likes chowing on banana peels (well maybe not that quirky!)
  • Check your copy for good flow. The only goal of the headline is to get them to read the sub-heading. The only goal of the sub-heading is to get them to read the first paragraph. And so on. If your copy loses momentum or your reader gets bored then your marketing is dead on arrival. They won’t know how great your product is because they never bothered to read your pitch!
  • Use pictures. Really. But here’s the master copywriting secret. Use the caption underneath to highlight a powerful selling point. Next to the headline, captions are the second most often read part of any copywriting. So make your caption pull its weight.

That’s all from me this week. I’ve hear some Milk Bones calling my name… Bear the Rottie

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