A Dose Of Thursday Inspiration And A Life Changing Strategy For Your Marketing

We’re already nearly half way through January, so here’s a little inspiration if your New Year’s resolutions are wearing thin, or you’re struggling with a big problem in your business right now (like not getting enough clients)… When JK Rowling (Harry Potter inventor) wrote her first book, she was so poor she couldn’t even afford to have photocopies made of the transcript.  So she typed out 3 entire copies of the manuscript to mail to potential agents.

Good ol’ blue eyes, Frank Sinatra was dumped TWICE by a record label.  Lady Gaga was told she wasn’t talented enough by her first record company. They fired her, too.

Whether you are fans of these three artists or not, just imagine what they would have deprived the world of if they’d quit.  If they’d said, “This business is too hard, I’m gonna go drive taxis instead…"

Now back to you and what all this has to do with your business.

I’m assuming that what you do in your business really DOES help others.  You’re only selling a product or service you truly believe in…right?

Ok, good.

And just one more thing I need to check with you: people NEED what you’re selling too, right?

Alright, phew.  I just wanted to check you weren’t scrambling around trying to find a market to “sell your thing to” – there’s already a hungry market out there.

Well in that case, GET OUT THERE AND MARKET YOUR BUSINESS.  You don’t owe it to yourself – you owe it to the hundreds, possibly thousands of future raving fans who are desperate to find someone like you to do business with. They’ve been searching for you for a LONG time.

Many of my private copywriting clients say exactly that.  “We’re SO glad we found you!”  That’s because I remove a huge stress from their shoulders, I take the guess work out of their advertising, I do exactly what I say I’ll do, and I get them real, measurable results.

Just think about it for a second.

That one realization that you OWE IT TO OTHERS TO TELL THEM ABOUT HOW GREAT YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE IS - changes EVERYTHING about the way you approach your business.

If your future customers don’t know about you, their lives are going to be a lot harder.  They NEED you.  They’re looking for you.  And they’re looking to you for ways to make their lives easier.

It also means that you’re now approaching your marketing from a giving mentality instead of a taking mentality… and that’s one of the BIG secrets to attracting more customers.

So now I’ve helped you change the way you think about marketing and selling your business.  You’re not doing it from the perspective that it’s an activity you have to do in order to make a bunch of money (although that’s exactly the happy by-product of what we do).  It’s about looking for ways to help others, and telling enough people about the great work you do.

One of my mentors Zig Ziglar once said “you will get everything in life if you will only help enough others get what they want in life.”

So true.

Now get out there and tell others about how you can help them!

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