A Treacherous Journey For The Chosen Few

"Start by doing what's necessary. Then do what's possible.

And suddenly, you are doing the impossible."

St Francis of Assisi


Have you read that fantastic little book by Paul Arden called "It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be?" 


I must have read it twelve times at least.


In a world that increasingly feels like it's falling apart at the seams (mass media censorship, proposed 40% capital gains tax, pandemic induced small business suffocation …), this little book is a powerful shot of inspiration to the brain.


It's a great reminder that every obstacle we've had to catapult ourselves over (especially the one's others would term failures), what matters is the end goal.

Who we want to show up as in the world.

What we want our contribution to truly be. 


This kind of thinking takes courage. 


It goes against the grain of our society where the thinking is short-term and centered around instant gratification.

Posting a status update on Facebook and feeling we've achieved something meaningful when 100 people react to it. 


Or launching a new product based on the latest marketing "tactics" to extract as much money as possible, as quickly as possible, churning and burning through great swathes of customers faster than a Japanese bullet train. 


Paul Arden's book is an excellent reminder that that's not for us.

Instead, we focus on making the impossible possible, one client at a time by creating deep value, offering our best, earning trust and focusing on the long-term.


Isn't that refreshing.


That only leaves the small matter of deciding how good you want to be – and going after that with relentless enthusiasm and tenacity. 


It's a great journey with many trials, endless peaks to climb, false prophets and treacherous terrain to navigate. 


Certainly, a journey only for the chosen few. 


I'm glad we're on it together.





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