Beware Image Over Substance

One of the biggest misconceptions in marketing is that "pretty sells".  All those glossy brochures, slick looking websites with amazing flash graphics and fancy do-hicky things.  All very impressive looking but the bottom line is that if they don't actually do their job of delivering a compelling direct response message that'll get your prospects to take action and buy something - then they're a monumental waste of your money. How many glossy brochures have you seen that look drop dead gorgeous but contain no compelling offer, or reason for anyone to pick up the phone and call?  This kind of pretty but wimpy advertising is exactly what you should be eliminating in your business altogether.  Also known as "brand advertising" it's the #1 biggest waste of your marketing dollars and it's the #1 offender for small businesses getting dismal or zero responses from their advertising.

Instead, think of your marketing tools as being "salesmanship in media" rather than advertising.

Always, always always copy is king.  Yes the wrong presentation for a particular market can sabotage even the best message, but the more common mistake is a beautiful presentation of nothing.

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