Bolder&Louder - Transformational Branding, Digital Marketing

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Justin Flies Around World, Sniffing Girl In Ad – Out. Getting “Older & Fatter Ad With Jimmy Kimmel”– In.

Here's a reprint of my article that I featured in this month's Marketing Dynamite newsletter: In May of this year, Justin sent his Belieber’s into a fit of pre-teen, pubescent ecstasy by releasing his long awaited perfume “Someday.”

Now I have to confess that the first time I ever saw the Bieb-meister on tv I didn’t get the hair, the 6-year-old looks, or the hooded sweatshirt-moon walking-moves-in red-basketball sneakers.

Still, I’m not his target market either.

But, as a talent he’s undeniable.  And, as a marketing juggernaut, he’s unstoppable.

Enter “Someday.”  The Bieb’s long-awaited eau-de-Justin.

His original ad was lame to say the least and drew fire for blah-ness.  But, judging from skyrocketing sales of Someday, who cares if the first ad was terrible?

Well, Justin must have.  Or his handlers.  In a good show of humor he’s teamed up with Jimmy Kimmel on a second commercial for “Someday” – it’s a spoof of the first one. This time, it’s funny and brilliant.

See this content in the original post

Here's the old lame Someday Ad

Unfortunately NBC have blocked the new version being released on YouTube :(, so here's the link to watch it on NBC's website...