Pocket Money

Here's my last story to share with you about my Irish Christmas vacation..well maybe my last, I just might have one more up my sleeve... So there I was.  In blustery, butt freezing Belfast.  Out braving the cold and the throngs of mad post-Christmas shoppers.

The wind was relentless, my cheeks were bright red (even redder than usual) and the sky had just opened up, pummeling me with pea sized pieces of ice.

So.... I did what any sane person would do.  I gritted my teeth, stayed my course and made a beeline through the now icy streets.  I had  my target fixed firmly in my sights while people all around me were bailing left right and center into the nearest pub.

I hurdled around the corner and charged through the doors of my destination - a mega sized department store called Marks & Spencer. Fighting my way through the throng of frenzied, wet and hail assaulted shoppers I made my way to the kids clothing area.

I did manage to find what I was looking for - a cool sweater for my daughter (one with patchwork elbows made of ridiculously soft Irish wool).

Then, as I was lining up to pay, my eye caught sight of something which can only be termed as sheer marketing brilliance.

It was a sign strategically placed to catch the attention of anyone under 3ft tall, right next to where "Mum" would be forced to stand in line for the next 10 minutes at check out.

Here's all the sign said.

"Pocket Money" (that's Irish speak for Allowance),

Beneath it was a series of little bins with at least 35 different ways to separate kids from their precious weekly allowance with all kinds of useless colorful trinkets.

Absolutely brilliant marketing.  Here's why.

First of all the sign specifically targets kids to buy stuff using THEIR OWN MONEY. The sign is not meant for adults to read, it wasn't even at our height.

Secondly the sign is located in the area most Moms and kids visit - in the kids clothing section.  Most kids HATE clothes shopping and get dragged there under duress.  This little marketing ploy was the perfect diversion to keep the kids out of their "Mum's" hair and make a sale at the same time.

And thirdly, the location of the sign was strategically placed to catch little eyes while they were rolling theirs, bored senseless and being forced to wait in line.

This kind of marketing brilliance is called niche marketing - and if you're not doing it in your business, that's why you don't have an extra zero at the end of your income....yet!

(For those of you who are smart enough to have already invested in a copy of my Client Stampede Ultimate Homestudy Toolkit - don't worry the easy niche marketing magic formulas I give you in there are bullet proof...just plug and play and you're on your way!)

As the rich happily say "there are riches in niches!"

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