The One Little Word That Doubled the Income of a Major Company Overnight

As you know, I write a LOT of copy. From sales letters, to websites, to emails, to postcards; you name it, I've written it. This story demonstrates why you should NEVER underestimate the power words can make to someone’s business, why it’s essential that you carefully choose the words you use to advertise, and why the craft of copywriting, for those who know what they’re doing, pays so well. Here’s the story: A new ad exec had been hired to work on the account of a large company selling shampoo. Now, the marketing of shampoo isn’t a particularly exciting endeavor, but nevertheless, this young guy was excited to have been assigned such a large account. He brainstormed many different marketing ideas with the company to no avail. The company was conservative and family owned – management didn’t like to step outside the box much (in fact at all). Undeterred, the young man persisted. He was looking for the golden needle that he could convince them would explode sales. One day, while in the shower, washing his hair – it suddenly hit him. The one word that, added to a shampoo bottle, would double the company’s sales overnight. The one little word that would mean bottles of shampoo would now last only half as long. Can you guess what it was?

As Mark Twain famously said, “The difference between the right word and any word is like the difference between lightning and lightning bug.”

The one little word was added to the shampoo’s directions for use: lather, rinse, repeat.

Keep an eye out for my upcoming incredible CD of the Month Club and a very special offer – My Gurus, Geniuses and Giants Club (3G Club). Each month I’ll be interviewing a trailblazer of our time, behind closed doors – people that ordinarily you’d never ever have access to – multi-millionaires, billionaires, and trailblazers of our time. Extraordinary men and women who have made their mark on the world by stumbling, tripping, even free falling sometimes, but who’ve picked themselves up and triumphed. Hear their real stories, unvarnished, first hand. Pick up just one little idea from these business superstars that could transform your business overnight (just like one little word did for the shampoo business). My 3G Club is launching January 2012 – stay tuned for details or visit

To your extraordinary marketing success!


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