What Kenneth Cole Can Teach Us About Perseverence

On the weekend I stumbled across this great story about how designer Kenneth Cole began his multi-billion dollar shoe and fashion empire. I felt inspired after reading it so thought I would share it with you.When Kenneth Cole was starting out, he was flat broke but wanted to exhibit at his industry's giant trade show in New York City. They wanted a huge exhibit fee which he simply couldn't pay. So he got the bright idea to just rent a huge motor home and park it right outside the convention hall, and invite attendees in to see his shoes. When he went to get a permit, he was told that nobody got permits to park anything on a major New York street for 3 days. For 99% of business owners, that would have been the end of that great idea. But he thought about it and went back and said "SOMEBODY must get permits. If somebody could, who would?". The answer: only tv and production companies. So he quickly registered a new business - Kenneth Cole Productions, got a sign made for his rented motor home, got a permit, hired guys with film cameras with no film in them, laid down a red carpet and then spent 3 days with his motor home parked exactly where he wanted, grabbing attention with the filming, inviting people in and selling shoes like crazy. This isn't just a great story about not giving up. It's also evidence of a deeper, determined mind set developed by a certain tiny percentage of business people who are determined to "make it" and to do whatever "it" takes...a trait as valuable as it is rare. Have a great week! Julie

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