Writing copy? Why 65% Of Your Time Should Be Spent On Writing Your Headline

The success of your entire marketing campaign may stand or fall on what you say in your headline.Market research has consistently shown that the headline is 50-75% of your advertisement.

Compare these two headlines: ARE YOU AFRAID OF MAKING MISTAKES IN ENGLISH? DO YOU MAKE THESE MISTAKES IN ENGLISH? The second headline out pulled the first by a staggering 10 to 1, just by adding an element of curiosity to "pull the reader" in.

So to make your life easier, here are the 3 categories of successful headlines (which the best pulling headlines of all times fall into)..

1. Self interest: The best headlines appeal to the reader's own self interest (written around specific benefits to the reader). They offer readers something they want, and can get ...from you.

John Jacobs tested the $1,299 [bike model], and declared it perfect for you. To car owners who want to cut their gas bills

2. News. The next best headlines are those that give news eg: Discovered - a new kind of hand cleaner Introducing 6 new features of the Ford 150 You Didn't Know About

3. Curiosity. The third best headlines are those that arouse curiosity for example:

To a $50,000 Man or Woman who Would Like To Be Making $150,000 Are you playing fair with your wife?

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