Marketing Blog

The $30 Million Dollar Marketing Plan Template

“Hope is not a strategy.”

Vince Lombardi”

Having a marketing plan for your business that’s consistently implemented every month - is about as important as having oxygen tanks strapped to your back on a deep-sea dive.

A marketing plan is your game-plan.

It’s the only way to ensure that your organization’s marketing is on the offensive instead of seat-of-the-pants reactive. And it’s the battle-plan for getting your goals achieved.

But our Marketing Plan is so much more. It’s actually a …

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An Embarrassing Math Lesson & The Marketing Plan Power Of Three

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I was fourteen years old, the head of the math department (who also happened to be my Mother’s best friend and the deputy vice-principal of my school), took my Mom aside and told her that I was going to fail high school math.

Admittedly it was true that math was my least favorite subject. It was also true that my otherwise …

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Triple Your Revenue With These Five Magic Questions

As it’s been perhaps the craziest week ever, this week’s Monday Marketing Bullets are going to simple, swift and to the point. Thankfully something is…

The answers to these five questions can double or triple plus your revenue. They’re heavy hitters. So, time to put your strategy hat on, grab a pen and start brainstorming (or start delegating).

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