It’s Time To Cut Your Zombie Brands

Opportunity is a bird that never perches

Claude McDonald


How have the elections impacted your business?

For many, especially those who sell large ticket items like machinery, cutting edge technology, or even facelifts, its like a large number of clients have hit the pause button.  They’re waiting. Not sure for what exactly as life goes on either way. It’s a pattern we see before every election, most especially the week before – and if you know it’s coming you can not only prepare for it, but profit from it too.

One of the ways you can profit, is to take a good, hard look at the profitability of each of your brands over the last 6, 12 and 24 months and “cut the zombie ones”.  

This will free you and your organization to laser focus on the top performing brands, increase their profitability – and focus on innovation by strategizingwhat’s next?”

Whether your organization has suffered or profited from COVID, don’t use this as an excuse to keep under performing brands you’re emotionally attached to.  Increase profit per brand by cutting away the deadwood and laser focusing your team’s efforts on the money makers. 

Red or blue, the outcome of the election will have half the population in tears while the other half rejoices. Business goes on, and either way yours will be much stronger for making this smart, strategic move.


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