What’s Your Personal Legend?

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”

Helen Keller


This past weekend I read an extraordinary book that would easily rank in my top 3 best books of all time.  It’s called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. 

This book was first published 31 years ago and has been translated into over 80 languages.  Only the Bible has been translated into as many languages. Once you’ve read the book you’ll understand why.

The book details the story of a shepard boy, Santiago who goes on a great quest to find his Personal Legend – his destiny. On the way he meets all kinds of characters; a king in disguise, thieves, warriors, an English scholar, a sword wielding alchemist with a hawk perched on his left shoulder… and many others.  

What’s so extraordinary about this book is that it gets to the heart of our living – the reason for each of our existence on this earth. If you’re still searching for answers ( I believe we all are), I highly recommend you read this book. 

In case you’re wondering why I’m writing to you about something so metaphysicial, and not marketing related – there is a critical marketing lesson contained in the story of the crystal glasses being sold on top of the hill.

But the real reason I’m sharing this book with you is because its simplicity and wisdom is profound, and has the ability to change your life. 

In the introduction written by the author, it’s also very timely

Paolo says “whenever I read this book … it gives me hope. When I read about clashes around the world – political clashes, economic clashes, cultural clashes – I am reminded that it is within our power to build a bridge to be crossed. Even if my neighbor doesn’t understand my religion or understand my politics, he can understand my story. If he can understand my story then he’s never too far from me. It is always within my power to build a bridge. There is always a chance for reconciliation, a chance that one day he and I will sit around a table together and put an end to the history of our clashes. And on this day he will tell his story, and I will tell mine.”

Here’s to building bridges, selling crystal glasses and fulfilling your Personal Legend.  If you read this book, I’d love to know what you think.

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