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How To Do Stealth Selling In Your Sales Letters (No Pushy, Yucky Sales Talk)

Copywriting Tips From The Couch - By Bear the Rottie - Chief Co-Squirrel Hunter and Head Copywriter at The Client Stampede. Dear Bear the Rottie,

I’ve been reading your Copywriting Tips From the Couch each week.  But I’m disappointed.  You haven’t spilled the beans on how you write copy in your sales letters that makes people want to buy, without sounding like a slick talking sales dude.  Throw me a bone!

Bear the Rottie

Signed “Frustrated Ed”

Yo Ed.  I hear ya.  Who wants to read a sales letter that’s filled with pushy sales sounding garbage.  What you’re actually asking me to spill, is how to persuade people to take action, without turning them off along the way. Here are some copywriting tips on “stealth selling” using sales letters that are just for you:

  • First you’ve got to talk to them in their own language.  Forget boring, cold corporate speak.  When they read your sales letter in their head, they have to feel like it’s a buddy who “gets them.”  Not some lunatic who’s trying to shout information at them (ahem, which is where most people go awry with their marketing).
  • Keep it light and fun.  Who says writing  sales letters has to be serious.  If I could spell, I’m pretty sure that would spell boring.
  • With me so far?  OK, good.  Now here’s the kind of tricky part.  Once you’ve got them reading your sales letter, you’ve got to keep em’!  That means it has grab them by the eyeballs from the first word you write to the PS at the end.  If they have a call of nature in the middle then it’s your sales letter they’ll be taking with them to keep reading.  You get the idea.  It’s about creating rapport which is just a fancy word for saying becoming friends.  That’s how your sales letters have to make em' feel.  Like it’s their best buddy writing to them (or best dog as the case may be).

Hope that helps Frustrated Ed.  Bark at ya later! Bear.