Marketing Blog

Featured, Marketing Strategy Julie Guest Featured, Marketing Strategy Julie Guest

A Client Stampede Secret: Blur The Lines Of The Market You’re In

“Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fu$king sharp knife to it.”

― Banksy, All & Pierce

One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen when consulting, particularly with Fortune 500 companies, is that most business leaders miss the big opportunity under their nose because they’re thinking too narrowly of their market.

Coke and Pepsi did this when …

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Triple Your Revenue With These Five Magic Questions

As it’s been perhaps the craziest week ever, this week’s Monday Marketing Bullets are going to simple, swift and to the point. Thankfully something is…

The answers to these five questions can double or triple plus your revenue. They’re heavy hitters. So, time to put your strategy hat on, grab a pen and start brainstorming (or start delegating).

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Featured, Pricing, Client Stampede Formula® Bolder&Louder Featured, Pricing, Client Stampede Formula® Bolder&Louder

I Don’t Think You’re Charging Enough

Some years ago one of our clients, a prominent facial plastic surgeon, told me a story about one of his patients. She had a precancerous mole on her face that needed removal. After an initial consult, the patient scheduled the outpatient procedure that took less than 10 minutes to perform. The surgeon’s bill? Around $10,000. The patient complained to the surgeon that her bill was excessive – he was charging $1,000 a minute! Our client’s response was golden: “Madam, while it is true that the procedure to remove your mole only took 10 minutes, the …

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Direct Response Marketing, Featured Julie Guest Direct Response Marketing, Featured Julie Guest

More Reasons To Love Direct Response Advertising

David Ogilvy, a cantankerous, controversial and brilliant Scotsman whom I adored – built his advertising empire using only direct response marketing.

The very first direct response advertisement he wrote wasn’t for a Fortune 100 company, a Fortune 5000 company or even a scrappy but well funded start-up. As the surprising story goes, it was for …

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Featured, Business Strategy Julie Guest Featured, Business Strategy Julie Guest

Hey CEO, What’s Your Pivot Plan?

So here we are. So much for post-COVID. With numbers soaring, the media screaming recession and many schools and universities not opening in the fall, it seems the end to this madness is not in sight afterall.


We’re too busy to pay attention to the media hysteria. We have businesses to run, clients to serve, new projects to launch, supply chain issues to solve, staffing challenges to sort and consumer demand to reignite.

The way I see it every business has three options . . .

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