The End Of Instagram Likes & The Changing Social Media Landscape

“Being famous on Instagram is like being rich on monopoly.”


Two years ago Instagram tested hiding likes on its user’s posts. The move was met with mixed reaction and ultimately Facebook, (who owns Instagram), decided not to do a platform-wide roll out.


A month ago, Instagram quietly began testing removing likes again, to different degrees in various parts of the world. Australian likes, for instance, are currently in hiding. 

But this time the “testing” hasn’t stopped.

A lot of marketers are spooked.

A lot of businesses who have invested huge amounts of money building their followings and “likeability” feel cheated.

Are likes being hidden once and for all?

What we’re in for

Here’s what a Facebook spokesperson has said, “we are testing this because we want Instagram to be a place where people feel comfortable expressing themselves. This includes helping people to focus on the photos and videos they share, not how many likes they get.” 

As you’ve guessed, this is another hand-grenade thrown into the social media landscape

It’s also very possible that other social media platforms might follow suit.

What this means is that the quality of the content your organization posts is going to be more crucial than ever. 

The true metric is going to be much more about who can build an authentic audience that actually convert followers into prospects. 

 In other words the future of Instagram is going to be about which organizations have actual influence rather than “bloated credit”.


Key Takeaways

·      I think it’s a question of when, not if, Instagram starts hiding likes. Personally I believe it has everything to do with Facebook’s insatiable appetite to expand advertising revenue, and has nothing to do with creating a platform of so called “authentic influence.”  
It is, what it is. Prepare for the change.

·      Having the right content marketing strategy is critical, now more than ever. If you don’t have an excellent strategy in place and are “winging it,” or have something mediocre cobbled together, I strongly recommend you reconsider.

This applies equally to blog posts, article topics, webinar content, podcast episodes, whitepapers, videos etc – as it does to your social media posts.  All content.

·      This latest Instagram development is further validation of my position on social media marketing: that the goal of it is to use it only as a tool to build a real audience that your business can then control.  

This means using your social media postings, at the very least, to build  your email list so you can grow the relationship on your own email platform, on your own terms. (If you missed my article on the Clubhouse social media app, I recommend you read it.)

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