Three Smart Questions to Find Out About Your Target Market

No matter what kind of marketing you’re doing – whether it’s a blog, a billboard, or a brochure…there are 3 CRITICAL areas that must be in alignment: there must be a market to message to media match. This is also referred to as a marketing triangle. If any one of these areas is out of alignment, it’s certain death for your marketing. The most critical is WHO is your target market. This must be the starting point for ALL your marketing, because if you get this wrong, then your marketing message will be seen by the wrong people no matter what media you select.

Here are 3 very smart questions to ask yourself about your target market. The objective of asking these questions is really to “get inside their head” in order to help you write powerful copy that’ll resonate with them.

Robert Collier says you need to write copy so that you are “continuing the conversation your prospect already has going on in their head.”

Here are 3 starter questions to ask yourself about your target market that’ll do just that:

1. What keeps them awake at night? – What has them sleepless, what’s really bugging them so bad they can’t sleep?

2. What are they scared of? – Everyone is afraid of something!

3. What are their top 3 daily frustrations? If you don’t know – get the list, talk to enough of them so you get consensus.

Once you have the answers, you need to relate them back to the product or service you sell (e.g. Is the government making you see red with yet another tax hike for small business owners? Come to my free seminar – The 7 secret strategies for small business owners to slash their tax bill legally …).

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