173 Ways To Get More Clients

One of the questions I get asked all the time is, "What is the one thing I can do to get more clients?" Actually, I can do a lot better than that…here’s 173 marketing tips you can do right away. But here’s an important thing to remember…when a client of mine was asked by his colleagues the secret of his success and how they could add 30 or 40 more patients a month to their practices he replied:“I don’t know one way to get 40 new patients, but I know 40 ways to get a new patient and I use all 40 of them!”

1. Get very clear about your marketing message 2. Write out your unique selling proposition 3. Define who your ideal clients are 4. Follow up with prospects within 24-48 hours 5. Deliver more than expected 6. Deliver it before it's expected 7. Implement a referral campaign 8. Use Personality Infused Marketing™ to write a warm letter to family and friends 9. Join a networking group 10. Hold your own focus groups 11. Build a mailing list 12. Offer a bold guarantee 13. Keep your promises (do what you say you’ll do, when you do it) 14. Keep an abundance mindset (not a fear based scarcity one) 15. Call up everyone you didn’t close last month and make a special offer 16. Carve out a niche for your business 17. Be clear about your own unique ability and how this helps others 18. Start a coffee group for prospects 19. Send your clients gifts (birthday, holiday or just random “I was thinking of you” gifts). 20. Start doing presentations 21. Revamp your website so that it’s “Client Stampede compliant,” and is easy to navigate, value filled and builds instant rapport 22. Create a Client Stampede business card so that it actually brings you business 23. Do a co-marketing campaign with another business 24. Hold your own workshops 25. Hold a webinar 26. Hold a teleseminar 27. Do a neighborhood direct mail campaign in areas where you have other clients 28. Time block your time 29. Stop checking email and Facebook throughout the day 30. Raise your prices (really) 31. Start your own blog 32. Write articles 33. Create an auto responder sequence for your website 34. Create a consumer awareness guide 35. Automate your marketing – get your marketing system in place so you can get clients while you sleep 36. Call up your competitors and work collaboratively on a special campaign 37. Start a paper and ink newsletter 38. Write an ezine 39. Create a brochure that clearly articulates what you do 40. Create a one page flyer 41. Create a Welcome to the Family customer kit 42. Create a shock n’ awe box 43. Record an audio program and give it away for free (in return for email addresses) 44. Use sales scripts – don’t wing it 45. Practice your close in front of the mirror 46. Practice asking for triple your current rates in the mirror and keeping a straight face 47. Find out where your best clients have come from 48. Take your “centers of influence” out for  lunch 49. Don’t chase clients for work (but follow up professionally) 50. Remember "no" doesn’t really mean no (except in dating) – keep anyone who says "no" in your follow up file 51. Write a letter to your Chamber of Commerce introducing yourself and offering your services to them to use for free (gain credibility) 52. Ask for testimonials 53. Use your testimonials 54. Provide incentives for referrals 55. Tell everyone what you do – even at family bbqs 56. Ask your clients what success looks like for them 57. Write a sales letter 58. Send a lumpy 3 step direct mail campaign 59. Use your on hold message as a way to educate about the value you provide 60. Get a personal assistant to farm out all the jobs you don’t like doing 61. Write your WHY on a piece of paper and keep it pinned to your desk (the WHY you’re in business for yourself and what you REALLY do for your clients) 62. Keep your best testimonials pinned to your wall so you can see it often 63. Enroll in a copywriting class 64. Realize that all writing in business is copywriting (writing to persuade), and become determined to be great at it 65. Use a bold, curiosity arousing headline 66. Never, never, never give up. The race is won by perseverance, not the person who runs the fastest 67. Memorize your selling scripts 68. Don’t take rejection personally 69. Research your target market and understand what makes them tick 70. Volunteer your time in the community and be visible 71. Write a book or eBook 72. Surround yourself with people who support your dreams and goals (not people who tell you it can’t be done) 73. Stop brand advertising and start REAL Marketing (Rewarding, Easy, Authentic and Loved) 74. Create a tear sheet and send it to your prospects 75. Do a podcast 76. Keep an ideas book for all the big ideas you have for your business 77. Drink your own Kool Aid – make sure you use your own product or service 78. Get a marketing coach who can hold you accountable and help you create your own marketing materials for a fraction of the price it would cost to hire a copywriter 79. Hire a copywriter to create your marketing materials 80. Have a price sheet 81. Offer packages and call them cool, memorable names 82. Protect your confidence by only working with people you like who respect you and your time 83. Don’t be afraid to fire problem clients 84. Invest in your marketing education by attending classes, reading newsletters, reading books 85. Ask for suggestions and feedback from your top clients 86. Implement a lost customer campaign 87. Use a vanity 800 number 88. Become an expert in your marketplace 89. Become a celebrity people are fascinated and intrigued by 90. Use a local celebrity in your marketing 91. Write a guest blog 92. Write a newspaper column 93. Start your own association 94. Spend extra time with your best clients 95. Use a professional photo for your marketing 96. Get a tag line 97. Implement a marketing plan 98. Use a marketing calendar to plan out each of your marketing activities 99. Do fun holiday marketing promotions 100. Become religiously fanatical about direct response marketing 101. Study marketing greats like David Ogilvy, Gary Halbert, Gary Benzivenga, Joe Karbo 102. Write out the copy of one of the best performing ads in long hand – 3 times to get the flow and rhythm of how to write great copy 103. Read Ogilvy on Advertising 104. Use Paypal to accept payments 105. Write newsletters for associations where you’re a member 106. Target and study other great networkers 107. Study the advertising your competition is using (and don’t copy it) 108. Use your email signature to communicate your value proposition and get opt-ins 109. Hold a client appreciation party 110. Get a professionally designed logo 111. Brainstorm different offers 112. Use direct mail to build relationships 113. Realize that email marketing is not free at all 114. Implement a marketing plan 115. Keep your language simple – avoid trying to sound fancy 116. Use take away selling 117. Use positive affirmations daily 118. Create scarcity with your services 119. Be known for one thing 120. Brainstorm all the ways you can quickly and inexpensively connect with prospective clients 121. Ask all your friends for referrals 122. Have a list of topics you can speak on at your fingertips 123. Dress better 124. Respect your clients' time and never take an incoming call when speaking/meeting with them 125. Use call to actions in all your marketing 126. Brainstorm a list of irresistible offers 127. Offer discounts for fast action or full payment 128. Use vision boards for the lifestyle you want 129. Create a team of peers to hold you accountable 130. Start your own mastermind group 131. Check local newspaper for groups that meet on regular basis (city business journal) 132. Create systems for your marketing so you know exactly what needs to happen and when 133. Follow up, Follow up, Follow up! 134. Speak slowly and clearly – don’t try and explain your value at break neck speed 135. Use hand written thank you cards 136. Brainstorm time each week for how you can add more value to your clients 137. Make an apples to artichokes comparison when it comes to your prices 138. Create packages and products out of what you already know 139. Focus on building relationships, not making the sale 140. Write in plain English as if you were having a friendly conversation with someone 141. Brainstorm a list of the 50 best headlines you could use 142. Be passionate about what you do 143. Give back – tithe a percentage of your earnings 144. Slay procrastination by having an action plan each day and sticking to it 145. Do the job you dread the most, the first thing in the day and get it over with 146. Be authentic – don’t ever sell out. 147. Care about the results your clients get 148. Create a survey and find out what your target market really wants, then give it to them 149. Mystery shop your competitors' businesses 150. Become clients of your competitors 151. Start becoming very aware of how other businesses (not in your industry) market themselves – this is where your best marketing ideas will come from 152. Use live stamps to send your direct mail (not bulk rate) 153. Create a memorable experience for your customers they’ll want to tell all their friends about 154. Choreograph everything about your business so nothing is left to chance. 155. Think positively but take immediate action. 156. Behave as if you are already the successful person you want to become 157. Use the “Theatre of the Mind” to practice your selling situations 158. Write a press release announcing new products, services, partnerships or awards 159. Create a video and send out to your list 160. Start tracking the numbers in your business – ruthlessly 161. Know how much a client is worth to you over 3 years 162. Know how much it costs you on average to get a client 163. Give awards to your clients 164. Use attention grabbing signs outside your place of business 165. Make it easy for people to find you – provide clear instructions and maps 166. Follow up with people who don’t show 167. Have a late and no show policy 168. Hold a contest 169. Buy the phone numbers of your competitors who have gone out of business 170. Use a vehicle wrap for your car 171. Sell to groups 172. Don’t advertise like your competition – you have to look and feel different to be different 173. Expect wonderful things to happen. Take massive simultaneous action.

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