How To Get Your Direct Mail Opened By Biz Execs

Copywriting Tips From The Couch - By Bear the Rottie -Chief Co-Squirrel Hunter and Head Copywriter at

The Client Stampede


I’m gonna talk some nuts and bolts with you today about direct mail – Tips on how to mail your direct mail sequence to Executives and Business owners, and get them to actually open it.

Now because these guys are super busy and everyone wants a piece of em', you have to be extra careful about how you mail to them. They’re successful and they like dealing with successful people too. But don’t forget that you’ll usually have a bunch of “little dogs” you have to win over first before your letter will get passed to the big dog (like the mail guy, the top gun secretary and the annoying brown noser who lurks around the "c suites" ).

So here are a few insider tips:

1) Make your direct mail piece look like it’s a private letter – something that the secretary wouldn’t dare open, if her life depended on it. Pink envelope, smells good, cute stamp – that kind of thing.

2) Create a direct mailing piece that’s so cute and brag worthy, any assistant will take it and show it to everyone in the office first before handing it to the boss. This is when you need to let your creativity shine e.g. we did a mailing that was written by a “church mouse”, sent in a box (a cute stuffed mouse) with a wedge of cheese and a great sales letter. Beats receiving boring old UPS packages all day long.

3) Go “upper crust.” Top notch stationery (with a watermark preferably). Great quality letterhead that feels heavy to the touch with direct mail. And incorporate prestige appeals in your sales letter like “superior”, “ownership preferred,” “exclusive,” “worthwhile.” Including little plastic membership cards work well in this kind of mailing too.

Well, gotta go bark at a squirrel.


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