Marketing Blog

Featured, Innovation Bolder&Louder Featured, Innovation Bolder&Louder

Steve Jobs, Innovation and Three Actionable Items To Implement Today

"Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat."

— Steve Jobs

Innovation as a business concept is an enigma. It's somehow obvious and easy to understand, while also being incredibly complex and difficult to implement. At its core, it's about nothing more than seeing change positively, and working hard to implement that change. Getting there, though, is far easier said than done.

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An Embarrassing Math Lesson & The Marketing Plan Power Of Three

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I was fourteen years old, the head of the math department (who also happened to be my Mother’s best friend and the deputy vice-principal of my school), took my Mom aside and told her that I was going to fail high school math.

Admittedly it was true that math was my least favorite subject. It was also true that my otherwise …

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Triple Your Revenue With These Five Magic Questions

As it’s been perhaps the craziest week ever, this week’s Monday Marketing Bullets are going to simple, swift and to the point. Thankfully something is…

The answers to these five questions can double or triple plus your revenue. They’re heavy hitters. So, time to put your strategy hat on, grab a pen and start brainstorming (or start delegating).

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Branding, Pricing, Featured Julie Guest Branding, Pricing, Featured Julie Guest

Why Discount Tire Is A Great Example of Marketing Automation

A few weeks back I was pulling my horse trailer and one of the tires blew out.

Ok, to be more precise I clipped the curb while rounding a corner and put a tear in the rubber the length of a dollar bill. Oops. Fortunately I was not hauling any horses at the time. Taking a “glass-is-half-full” view of this unfortunate incident, it did give me an opportunity to check in on one of my favorite businesses - Discount Tire – the red branded tire place that has 1073 stores in 36 states …

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Branding, Featured, Business Strategy Julie Guest Branding, Featured, Business Strategy Julie Guest

The Diet Coke Nerd Ad – Trip Ups & Takeaways

“Good products can be sold with honest advertising. If you don’t think the product is good you have no business advertising it.”

- David Ogilvy

Yesterday I went to see the kid-friendly movie The War With Grandpa. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the movies. We sat the obligatory 10 seats apart from the group over, bought a large popcorn and patiently waited for the movie to start.

But first, the ads…

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