Bolder&Louder - Transformational Branding, Digital Marketing

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The $30 Million Dollar Marketing Plan Template

Hope is not a strategy.”
Vince Lombardi”

Having a marketing plan for your business that’s consistently implemented every month - is about as important as having oxygen tanks strapped to your back on a deep-sea dive.

A marketing plan is your game-plan.

It’s the only way to ensure that your organization’s marketing is on the offensive instead of seat-of-the-pants reactive.

And it’s the battle-plan for getting your goals achieved.

But our marketing plan download is so much more. It’s actually a marketing system - a way of attracting, converting and retaining the best prospects in every market you play in.

You see most marketing plans are, frankly, useless.

They’re a monumental waste of marketing budget, time and effort because there’s very little strategy applied

Listing all the different kinds of marketing media you can advertise in, and separating these out month by month (which is what most companies do), isn’t going to get you the marketing breakthrough your business needs.

It’s akin to the mouse scrambling in his wheel and running faster, but of course not going anywhere.

For example, just because text messaging is available to advertise with doesn’t mean you should use it.

I detest companies sending me marketing messages on my phone. To me, my phone is a sacred space. In the real world, it almost feels as invasive as having a sales person rap on my windows or knock on my door at all hours of the day and night. No company is going to win my trust and admiration this way. Ever.

But that’s not going to be you. You won’t make such a mistake if indeed I’m in your target market.

Instead, your marketing plan is going to be the one that applies strategy first and works. And for that to happen, you need to start with the hard questions first:

1) Who is your Target Audience (also known as who has the bleeding neck - an urgent problem or need),

2) What is your Irresistible Messaging to speak specifically to individual people in that target market

3) Media - how best can you reach these same people and speak to them in a way they appreciate and not find annoying?

Side note: These are all steps in the Client Stampede Formula.

From now on, don’t just think Marketing Plan - think Marketing System - an automated way to attract, convert and retain prospects for your business that will also take the guess work out of your marketing activities - and results.


  • Attract.

  • Convert.

  • Retain.

Not just attract (which is what most businesses erroneously focus 90% of their efforts on).

Below you can download a copy of our Marketing Plan Template but a very important note is below:

1) No two companies have the same marketing plans. Like thumb prints, every single marketing plan is different. Use the formula by all means but make it your own. To date I have consulted on/ and or designed 500+ marketing plans and have yet to see two that are the same.

2) This Marketing Plan Template is universal. It has been used as part of our Business Transformation Consult for $30 Million+ business as well as $3 million ones. Yes you could even use it for a $30,000 business looking to sky rocket results.

Consider it your starting point to launch from.

3) I highly recommend you complete the Power of 3 exercise I wrote about here, first.

If you get stuck and have questions, you’re also welcome to contact us or send an email to us and we’ll email you back some help.

Download your Marketing Template by entering your email

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